Why Law Firms Need Social Media

Why Law Firms Need Social Media

We can’t ignore social media nowadays. It plays an important role in everyone’s life, including important communications between business partners. Its focus is represented by connecting people who want to develop new relationships and find out about new services. This is exactly why your law firm absolutely needs to establish an online presence with social media. 

There’s no way around it. Your competition knows this very well. It will be an incredibly powerful tool in your marketing strategy and will allow your potential clients to have a good idea of what services you offer. You’ll no longer be seen as a distant and formal figure, but as someone who will quickly build a relationship with a client who’s currently facing legal issues. 

Increasing your visibility is not an easy task and the way you treat your webpage can actually hurt your image if you’re not careful. Making a mistake will not only cause harm to your professional image and decrease your relevance. That’s why it’s important to consider every step carefully when you handle your social media page. 

Social Media Mistakes to Avoid

It should be obvious by now we all need to be careful when using social media, even more if you’re part of a law firm or you own a business. Identifying these mistakes is not easy, since you won’t find guidelines about this. It all depends on context, but you should always keep in mind the basics of social media tactics for lawyers and use them to your advantage. 

Being Distant

Social media helps us build relationships and connect with people. So you really don’t have a reason to be distant. An attorney needs to be trusted and if you want someone to trust you, they must be able to connect with you without too much effort. 

It’s common for business owners and law firms to ignore people who are asking a simple question, but avoiding this mistake will set you apart from your competition. You’ll be able to show how much your law firm is prepared to handle a lawsuit, and you’ll find yourself connecting with a potential client. Customers are more likely to buy a brand’s product when they answer questions on their page. This also holds true for a law firm.

Posting Too Much

We all feel frustrated when our feed is full of content being constantly posted by the same page. This practice will lose a lot of customers if people see you as a nuisance instead of someone who can help them solve problems. Producing a lot of content will always put you in the “quantity over quality” area, and that’s going to cause more harm than good.

Trying Too Many Platforms

When trying something new in our lives, we always want to see results in the fastest way possible. This is a very common mistake when dealing with social media. Many law firms find themselves creating a web page on every social media platform available. If you do this, you’ll quickly find yourself neglecting one of them and you won’t be able to realize what content is effective. 

Don’t waste your time and your budget trying to manage every platform available. It’s much better to focus on one platform initially, so you can see what’s going to bring you more clients and what’s going to harm you.

This Is Not a Pastime

This entire process is not a pastime that you should only do for fun. It’s a serious and complicated situation you should find yourself dealing with every day. Opposed to when you have the time or when you feel it’s necessary. Remember, negligence is a problem for legal issues and for social media.

About the Author

Olivia Wilson
Olivia Wilson is a digital nomad and founder of Todays Past. She travels the world while freelancing & blogging. She has over 5 years of experience in the field with multiple awards. She enjoys pie, as should all right-thinking people.